A play about Erika - the woman who tried to save democracy

Organic Sequence Workshops
Organic Sequence Workshop Dates are on Wed February 12th and Wed February 19th 2025. @DELI STUDIOS LONDON

New Shoes Theatre is a provocative and vibrant theatre company which produces powerful and inspirational work written by women. We give a voice to women’s writing and their legacy of work, create a multicultural and inclusive platform…

Hurried Steps
Hurried Steps is a play about how women & girls are abused all over the globe. It was created by Dacia Maraini and Amnesty International to stimulate a discussion between the audience and local experts who work with abused women & girls. They discuss WHY and HO …
Hurried Steps latest story
Hurried Steps performance audience feedback
"The people who are very ignorant I would have told them to come and watch - open their eyes to the world.”
Drama/Film Workshop Feedback
“Yes, all of Group 1 were at risk of school exclusion, and had siblings that were already excluded, so to be part of the 'safety net' that has caught these girls has been very satisfying and rewarding,=. THANKYOU."
Hurried Steps Review and Audience Feedback
“It’s BEAUTIFUL work from the Finborough, the actors, director and designers…. “
School Workshop Feedback
“I've really enjoyed the acting part....I would really recommend that for the next workshop“